Archive | Purpose

Bear Hunting | Your Field Guide to a Successful 2019

In our heyday of real estate sales we had a saying, “I’m going bear hunting.” This was analogous to chasing something really big. Wether it was a big client or a new business idea, “bear hunting” was our catch phrase. Unfortunately, we learned the hard way that sometimes the bear eats the hunter. After the market crashed, I traded in my bear hunting attire for a suit and tie. It was time to grow up and stop living with such […]

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Lessons From Hurricane Florence | The Storm Drain That Saved Our Home

Our home backs up to College Acres Baptist Church, a largish church with quite a bit of paved parking that drains to a retention pond just behind our home. Although the frontside of Hurricane Florence only produced five inches of rain, the retention pond was full and it appeared that their drainage system was not removing any of the standing water. As the water began to backup, it flooded an undeveloped lot beside our home and subsequently poured into our […]

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Living From Passion or Living Under Pressure?

Do you live from passion, or do you live under pressure? As a young, hungry salesman I lived and worked from passion. The newness of the career and the open road ahead were exciting. But in time, providing for my family, the demands of the career, and juggling what seemed to be an insurmountable amount of responsibility began to create pressure. Whether it’s navigating your career, caring for your kids, or serving at a church or organization, I’m sure you’ve […]

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An Adventure Worth Living

Five years ago, I was a 31-year-old dad of three, who had a sneaking suspicion that there was more to life than I was experiencing. Beneath the busyness of daily demands and the roller-coaster of life’s circumstances, it felt like something was missing. I opened up a journal and wrote these four questions on the page: How have the events in my life led me to where I am today? What am I supposed to do with my life? How […]

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To the Man | Peeling Back the False Self, The Pain of Freedom and Flying

To the man who’s feeling the pressure of raising kids even though he doesn’t feel adequate, I hear you. To the man who’s buried under the suffocating weight of debt, I hear you. To the man who’s mistaken himself as the provider, I hear you. To the man who’s trying his hardest to succeed at work because it validates his desire to be known, I hear you. To the man who’s afraid of his greatness because he’s comfortable with good, […]

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1,200,000 Minutes | Life in the Office, Running Toward Our Dreams and Appreciating the Familiar

I’m sure you’ve heard it said that there is wisdom in numbering your days. But have you ever numbered your minutes? In less than three weeks, a ten-year chapter of my life will close. When I sat down and did the math, that’s 5,256,000 minutes of my life. Think about that for a second, five million minutes. And more than 1,200,000 of those minutes have been spent at work—one-point-two million minutes. It’s overwhelming to think about it. As I process my resignation and […]

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Get Better at Life—Not Facebook

I once met a marginally famous author. The experience was underwhelming and unimpressive. This person had a great online persona—they had best-selling books, wrote engaging articles, interacted with readers and maintained a great digital presence. But the truth is, they weren’t a great person. They were arrogant and off-putting. This person was great at Facebook, not at life. That experience was a turning point for me. It left me upset and uncertain. Until that point, this person was a sort-of […]

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