Fourteen years ago, I was forced to choose between what I had grown accustomed to and what I really wanted. On one side, I had my family, my fiancĂ©, my hometown and a well-paying job that most college graduates would kill for. On the other side, I had a not-so-sure opportunity with an upstart real estate company more than 600 miles away. The sensation in that moment was overwhelming and the decision made my heart race inside my chest. My […]
Archive | Purpose
The Power of Reflection | Rediscovering Who You Are
Regretting the past and reflecting on it are two drastically different things. One is laced with guilt and shame while the other is overflowing with wisdom and hope. You see, the past can give you hope, but you can’t hope in the past. Knowing the difference is essential. For much of my life I was so eager to hit the reset button on another year that I failed to spend time in quiet reflection. But a few years ago, I […]
Baptism, The Goodness of God, and Our Need For Revival
I first felt a call to be baptized about two years ago, but I quickly brushed it off for a number of logical reasons. But God doesn’t work by logic. In fact, faith, by definition, isn’t logical. For two years, the idea of baptism burned in my heart while I wrestled with the logic in my head. Every time I saw the word or happened to watch someone else be baptized, I couldn’t deny that’s what God was calling me […]