America Needs More CEOs Like This Guy

The Story of the Anti-CEO

There was once a CEO of a thriving, 100 million-dollar business. What began as a dream in a garage had grown into a national organization with more than a thousand employees. According to every economic, social, and professional metric, the CEO and the company were successful.

As the business grew, the CEO found out that one of his employees had a daughter who was battling cancer. Upon learning the devastating news, he insisted that his employee work from home and take necessary Fridays off to be with his daughter during her routine cancer treatments.

Moreover, the CEO supported a campaign that helped raise more than $50,000 for this family in their difficult time.

In a dog-eat-dog corporate environment where employees are leveraged for productivity and held to the standard processes of days off, vacation time, and sick days, this CEO chose humanity.

That story sparked my curiosity.

The Leader People Will Follow

About a month ago, I reached out to this individual, this CEO, and asked if he would be willing to set aside some time for us to grab lunch. As I expected, he was generous and willingly available.

After catching up on each other’s back story and family dynamics, he told me about the genesis of his company. Sure enough, it was birthed out of failure and an incredible amount of persistence.

He oozed leadership and I found myself drawn in to his unique style. He wasn’t flashy, as I would expect from the stereotypical corporate CEO. He was the anti-CEO.

He led with humility.

What I began to realize is that he has built more than a business. He has built a culture.

In a world that makes you believe that humility is weak, this CEO has used it to create 400 percent growth over the past three years.

When I shared my observations with him, he responded, “I don’t see my role as a CEO any different from my role as a father, friend, or husband. I try my best to be the same person no matter what.”

His answer screamed of authenticity. And it’s his authenticity that people follow.


A few weeks after our lunch, I ran into him at a birthday party. While our kids playfully splashed in the pool, I asked him, “Have you guys had a good weekend?”

“Yeah, man. I helped a friend move yesterday so that took up most of the day.”

“He must be a great friend,” I said somewhat sarcastically. “Moving is probably one of my least favorite things to do.”

“Well, he’s actually an employee and he’s going through a difficult time so I decided to give him a hand. About ten other employees showed up to help him out too.”

I felt guilty for my narrow-minded, shallow response.

His actions echoed his words from our time at lunch. This guy was the real deal.

Authentic Leadership

In a corporate environment that focuses on growing profit margins, padding investment accounts, and leveraging people for productivity, this guy has turned those notions on their head.

He has redefined leadership. And it begins with humility.

In a world that seeks to sell first, he seeks to serve first.

In a world that claims, this is my business, he says, “This is God’s business that I have the privilege of running.”

His example and our conversation further cemented in my mind that great leaders invest in others.

Too often, we’re fearful that if we give, nothing will be left. If we empty our tank, will anything remain?

There’s a beautiful parable in the Bible that reminds me of my CEO friend.

As the parable goes, a little boy’s lunch of five loaves of bread and two fish is turned into a feast for the thousands in attendance. As the scripture says, “They ate and were satisfied.”

But to me, the most beautiful part of this story is the little boy. He gave up his lunch not knowing what would be left for him to enjoy.

As the parable concludes, after the crowds were full, twelve baskets remained. The scriptures don’t say what happened with the twelve baskets, but I can imagine Jesus handing them back to the little boy with a smile.


So today, if you’re afraid of giving, if you’re afraid of serving because of what it might cost you, remember that a whole life doesn’t fear, a whole life gives generously because it has been generously given.

And when you give generously of yourself, the blessings will be tenfold.

In the case of my CEO friend and the story of this little boy, I’m reminded: it’s amazing when you humbly bring what you have to the table and watch God use it to feed His people.

That, my friends, is the definition of being rich.

Bring what you have been given, serve others, and get out of the way to let God do His work.


What have you been given?
How can you use it to serve others?

For more, check out my book, Redefine Rich, available here:

Redefine Rich: A New Perspective on the Good Life

Redefine Rich: A New Perspective on the Good Life

Click here to learn more about the author

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12 Responses to America Needs More CEOs Like This Guy

  1. Robby Robbins August 27, 2015 at 8:42 am #

    Matt, Good stuff.

  2. Jon Stallings August 27, 2015 at 12:02 pm #

    Great post Matt – it so true. I always wonder why more CEOs or leaders in general do not take this approach when it is proven time and time again it works.

    I am also highly interested in the fact,”He has built a culture” As a pastor I have been learning what it is like to change the culture of an existing church. – A very slow and intentional process.

    • Matt Ham August 27, 2015 at 6:34 pm #

      Long obedience in a constant direction, Jon. Can you imagine what Moses felt like leading the Israelites through the desert? Yowza! I couldn’t have done that!

  3. Rick Theule August 27, 2015 at 3:08 pm #

    Bingo! People first! Thanks Matt!

    • Matt Ham August 27, 2015 at 6:34 pm #

      I believe, Rick, that is our primary function as believers.

  4. Parker Waldrop August 27, 2015 at 3:35 pm #

    Great post Matt, this has been on my mind for a while now. I want to believe companies really believe in this stuff, but so often they fall into the profits over people trap, sometimes without even realizing it. Great to hear there are some out there who still believe people over profit is where it’s at.

    • Matt Ham August 27, 2015 at 6:34 pm #

      There are still some good guys out there, Parker. And I think if the mix is right, you can/will have both. If you care for people, profit will take care of itself.

  5. Brooks Perry August 28, 2015 at 10:43 am #

    This one touches me personally as you know. This CEO is truly inspirational. As are your words. Thank you Matt.

    • Matt Ham August 28, 2015 at 11:20 am #

      Brooks, thanks for stopping by brother. This story and telling it has a ripple effect in the lives of many. Thank you for your willingness to share it well.

  6. Charisnotparis August 30, 2015 at 9:29 am #

    Sounds like my kinda person! Humble, authentic, servant hearted – not arrogant, prideful, or set on making himself #1. We desperately need more leaders like that in America.

    • Matt Ham August 30, 2015 at 4:28 pm #

      Amen, right?! Thanks for being here and adding your thoughts!


  1. Top 30 Must-Read Posts On Leadership | August 2015 | Paul Sohn - August 30, 2015

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