Fear is Wasting Your Time

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Welcome to the Redefine Rich Podcast and the first episode for 2015.

On this episode:

  • Quick recap of 2014 (30 episodes in the books!)
  • Details on my first book, Redefine Rich, which was released on December 22nd and how you can get involved
  • Looking ahead to 2015 at the exciting goals that you have planned
  • A story about the first men that climbed Mt. Everest
  • A story about the Tower of Terror and how my four-year old overcame fear (You don’t want to miss this)

In the comments below, tell me what audacious goals you have planned for 2015


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7 Responses to Fear is Wasting Your Time

  1. Jon Stallings January 5, 2015 at 2:44 pm #

    Great podcast Matt. I loved the story with your son. About 3 years ago we were at Disney World and the Tower of Terror was the one ride we didn’t ride. I will ride most anything but I had not desire for this one. However when we went back this past September my 15 year old daughter wanted to ride it. – I couldn’t back out. Of course I loved the ride – But that is just it. If we can learn to press through the fear we find joy and success on the other side. Sometimes we just need someone to turn up the heat and challenge us to give it a shot. Thanks Matt for keeping the heat up on the rest of us.

    • Matt Ham January 6, 2015 at 6:11 am #

      Jon – that’s so cool that you had a similar story. What’s something you’re excited about this year?

      • Jon Stallings January 6, 2015 at 11:05 am #

        Similar stories except it was the kid telling the adult it would be OK 🙂

        I am really excited about our ministry this year. Not sure how much of my story I have told before but my wife and I pastor church going through a rebuilding (people) phase. We were the 4th senior pastors in 5 years. April will be our 2 year anniversary of taking on leading the church. It appears we have turned a corner and we have new leaders stepping up to help out. The people who normally just set in the seats each week are catching the vision. We still have a lot of unknowns but we have momentum to move forward. We should have close to 10 people getting baptized on Sunday. Now that is a great way to start a new year. 2015 will be great.

  2. Steven Tessler January 6, 2015 at 8:37 am #

    My audacious goal for 2015 is to start my podcast… Fear is definitely wasting my time.

    I’m always looking for an excuse when I just need to do it!

    I’m making progress on the items I need. Microphone: Check, Name: pondering…., Artwork: in progress.

    Fighting the excuses!!

  3. Jon Stolpe January 6, 2015 at 4:40 pm #

    One of my audacious goals is to dunk a basketball before the end of 2015. 4 years ago I could do it, but several factors have led to this not being an easy target. We’ll see how it goes. My first step in going after this goal is to drop a few pounds. I’m down several pounds already in 2015. Once I get down a few more, I’ll be working in strength building for my core and my legs and stretching to improve my flexibility.


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