I get the irony. You’re probably reading this article because you clicked on a link on social media. But let’s set aside the caveats and have an honest conversation. This weekend my wife asked me, “Do you think you’re addicted to social media?” My defense was swift and certain, “It’s not an addiction.” Her question had struck a nerve. This morning, like every morning, I pulled up Facebook. But instead of the standard feed, I was met by a kind […]
Tag Archives | Leadership
Leadership Anemia | The Condition that is Quietly Killing America
During last year’s Presidential primary debates, I remember having the thought, “Is this really the best we can do? Of all the leaders in our country, this is who we have to choose from?” From that point on, I launched a personal expedition to find the leaders in our culture. And not just those in the national spotlight, but those on a local level as well. After eighteen months of searching, I have come to the conclusion that America is suffering […]
The Abundance of God
For the past six months, I have encountered the number 66 on almost a daily basis. Initially, I was scared that it meant something terrible was going to happen to me or to my family because the number 666 is associated with evil. But I calmed my initial fears, stopped living in my head, and began paying attention. Without fail, the number continued to reveal itself in my life. My cell phone battery would continually stay at 66 percent. The […]
The Xennial Micro-Generation: Bridging The Gap
I recently read an article highlighting a study of people born between 1977 and 1983 (via Dan Woodman, Melbourne University). We are Xennials—a micro-generation wedged between Generation X and Generation Y. As someone born in 1981, I consider the article to be spot on. I’ve never felt like I identified with either generation exclusively. Instead, I possess characteristics of both. I vividly remember when our family got our first VCR, car phone and computer. As a kid, I listened to […]
Three People You Need in Your Life
Life is hard. There’s no denying that. As a result, we try to control our circumstances to avoid the “hard”— like if we eat right or get on a budget, then it will all be rainbows and unicorns. By sheer willpower and effectiveness we try to push through our struggles with a fix-it-myself attitude. But curiously, that mentality isolates us. Before we know it, we’re alone, buried by our circumstances. Rather than relying on efficient practices and willpower, is there another way? As a […]
Lessons From Dad’s Hospital Bedside
My dad was recently hospitalized with atrial fibrillation, an erratic heartbeat that can lead to a number of health problems. On top of that, he was suffering from vertigo and ringing in his ears that caused constant nausea. It was a debilitating combination that raised concerns about cardiac arrest and stroke. I’ve never seen my dad in such a weakened state. For a man whose strength and consistency has been a staple in my life, it caused me to pause and consider […]
What Are We Teaching Our Children?
This April, my wife and I will have been married for twelve years. And I’ve spent the majority of those twelve years bouncing back and forth on the pendulum of pleasing her and simply shutting off. It’s an exhaustive charade that has robbed me of peace and caused me to fall into the trap of loving her circumstantially. I treasure the fact that she challenges me and pushes me beyond my comfort zone, but it grates on every last nerve. For more than thirty years, I’ve been […]