Do you live from passion, or do you live under pressure? As a young, hungry salesman I lived and worked from passion. The newness of the career and the open road ahead were exciting. But in time, providing for my family, the demands of the career, and juggling what seemed to be an insurmountable amount of responsibility began to create pressure. Whether it’s navigating your career, caring for your kids, or serving at a church or organization, I’m sure you’ve […]
Tag Archives | Pressure
Lent, Valentine’s Day and Giving Up On Perfection
Happy Valentine’s Ash Wednesday… For those of you who chose to give up sugar for Lent this year, I’m afraid you didn’t plan ahead. Look at the bright side, you could smear dark chocolate on your forehead and totally get away with it. For those of you who don’t really celebrate either tradition, I’m with you. I’m Lent free for thirty-five of my thirty-six years. I would be a perfect thirty-six for thirty-six but I dated a Catholic girl in […]
The Pressure of a Perfect Christmas
I recently read a story about an ambitious dad who decided to trump the Elf on the Shelf tradition by actually dressing up as the elf himself. Apparently, hiding a stuffed elf every night wasn’t challenging enough. His story went viral. Touché elf dad, pictures of you dressed up like a life-sized elf duct-taped to the wall are on every news site in America. Clark Griswold, eat your heart out. But I have a confession. When I see stories like this […]
The Good Life Crisis: A Few Thoughts on True Wealth
At twenty-two, I tossed conventional wisdom to the wind in order to chase a six-figure dream in sunny South Florida. I took the bait—hook, line, and sinker—and resolved to out work and out hustle the next guy in order to “make it”. By twenty-four, I was cashing moderate five-figure checks each month and my career in luxury real estate sales was booming. A shiny new SUV sat in the driveway of my second home proving that I was living life in the fast lane of […]