Do you live from passion, or do you live under pressure? As a young, hungry salesman I lived and worked from passion. The newness of the career and the open road ahead were exciting. But in time, providing for my family, the demands of the career, and juggling what seemed to be an insurmountable amount of responsibility began to create pressure. Whether it’s navigating your career, caring for your kids, or serving at a church or organization, I’m sure you’ve […]
Tag Archives | Passion
Choices, Leaps of Faith and Changing the World
Fourteen years ago, I was forced to choose between what I had grown accustomed to and what I really wanted. On one side, I had my family, my fiancé, my hometown and a well-paying job that most college graduates would kill for. On the other side, I had a not-so-sure opportunity with an upstart real estate company more than 600 miles away. The sensation in that moment was overwhelming and the decision made my heart race inside my chest. My […]
Baptism, The Goodness of God, and Our Need For Revival
I first felt a call to be baptized about two years ago, but I quickly brushed it off for a number of logical reasons. But God doesn’t work by logic. In fact, faith, by definition, isn’t logical. For two years, the idea of baptism burned in my heart while I wrestled with the logic in my head. Every time I saw the word or happened to watch someone else be baptized, I couldn’t deny that’s what God was calling me […]
Courageous Patience
In the summer of 2013, I discovered a newfound passion for writing and speaking that had previously laid dormant. As people began following along, my excitement grew. Passion birthed relentless productivity and I dreamed of building an online business so I could quit my job. I hustled like crazy to make it happen. But hindsight affords us the clarity we lack in the moment. The truth is, my passion and productivity had consumed me. As a result, I became a poor steward of what I […]
Faith and Business: How Do We Bridge the Gap?
As an eighteen-year-old high school student, I was given the task of completing a senior project. It seemed like an insurmountable goal to culminate thirteen years of education and my personal ideals into a thesis paper, related product, and oral presentation. I titled my project “Faith in Business”, an attempt to highlight the idea that these concepts were not oil and water. Contrary to popular belief, faith and business were not only intertwined, they were mutually beneficial. Those who judged my efforts introduced common criticisms, making it clear that America had […]
I Wrote One Song That I Never Shared With Anyone, Until Now
Listen to this post on the latest episode of my podcast, Whole Life Matters, or read below. For future podcast episodes, you can subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Google Play Music. Why Are You Running? When I was in college, I developed a love for playing the guitar. Looking back, I’d say that pushing through the pain of callouses served me well. My guitar became a refuge, and a handy resource to pay the bills when I was going […]
There is More to Life Than Football, Maybe…
There’s a brilliant song by Brad Paisley called, Letter to Me, where he takes listeners on a journey of writing a letter to his younger self. It’s a beautiful concept. If you could turn back the hands of time and have a conversation with your high school self, what would you say? What wisdom would you impart to a younger you? Would you redeem certain regrets? Would you repair relationships? What words would you retract? Now we all know that we can’t go back […]