Regretting the past and reflecting on it are two drastically different things. One is laced with guilt and shame while the other is overflowing with wisdom and hope. You see, the past can give you hope, but you can’t hope in the past. Knowing the difference is essential. For much of my life I was so eager to hit the reset button on another year that I failed to spend time in quiet reflection. But a few years ago, I […]
Tag Archives | My One Word
Three Things Star Wars Can Teach Us About Christianity
It’s not at all surprising that Disney chose to release the seventh installment of the Star Wars series, The Force Awakens, during the Christmas season. Sure this time of year is great for movie-goers, but I think the Christian narrative parallels the epic science fiction series more than you might imagine. So this weekend, as millions flock to theaters, here are a few similarities to consider. The Force A long time ago, in a village far, far away… When George Lucas originally […]
My One Word With Rachel Olsen and Mike Ashcraft
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Three Things You Must Do Before You Pick A Word
One of the greatest practices that I have embraced in recent years is picking a word. It provides incredible promise, focusing my energy and efforts on what I want to do and who I am becoming. In fact, I even had Mike Ashcraft, the co-author of My One Word, stop by for a guest post (you can check it out here). However, before you join me and countless others in picking a word, stop. Don’t pick a word for this year. […]
Fanning the Flame of Hope Within
Too often, this time of the year brings about a busyness that is unparalleled. In a furious rush we pace about trying to put a proverbial bow on our year. If your holiday season is anything like mine, there’s an interesting progression that takes place as the days count down: Select the perfect tree, put up all of the decorations as Christmas music fills the air with nostalgia, take pictures of the kids with Santa, creatively relocate the Elf of […]
Defining Trust
Yesterday, I was blown away to find out that a fellow blogger quoted my writing on her site. Please understand that it wasn’t the fact of using my words, although I was honored and so glad they spoke to her, it was the quote she used that got my attention. (PS – Robin writes about a Courageous Heart here, go check it out!) She quoted words about my grandfather’s suicide. “Life will be full of moments that can define you, […]
I’m Inviting YOU to Make This A Year To Remember
Are you tired of every year being the same as the last? Tired of watching the hope of January fade into the reality February? As much as you’d hope to change, you end up back in the same routine. Well, we all love invitations and this month, I’m inviting YOU to join us! I’m engaging the process of “My One Word” as I dig into my word TRUST This month, I will be writing about trust, praying about trust, really […]