I’m Inviting YOU to Make This A Year To Remember

Are you tired of every year being the same as the last?  

Tired of watching the hope of January fade into the reality February?  

As much as you’d hope to change, you end up back in the same routine.

Well, we all love invitations and this month, I’m inviting YOU to join us!

I’m engaging the process of “My One Word” as I dig into my word TRUST

This month, I will be writing about trust, praying about trust, really trying to understand trust as I launch into the year!  I would love for you to pick a word and join me as we go through the process together.  I’ve learned, fear hates community.

Here’s the invitation:

  1. Pick a word – One. Single. Word
  2. Share on my Facebook Page (Like here) or in the comments below
  3. Walk along with us this month and invite others to join
  4. Help each other as we engage this community

We’re in for an awesome experience.

When we focus our attention on who we are becoming and use our word as a lens to see that process, amazing things will happen.

As Mike says, “Change is possible, focus is required.” (Tweet that)

My One Word

If you’d like the book, you can buy it here


Two quick encouraging stories!

My cousin Stacey lives in Georgia.  She is a school teacher and mom to three beautiful kiddos.  This year, she chose the word INTENTIONAL.  Such a great word!  Here is a little ‘craft’ she put together to remind her as she goes through each day.

Be Intentional

Be Intentional chalkboard

Another is a friend of mine, Drew.  Drew owns his own business and loves, among other things, the Carolina Panthers.  You can visit his blog here.  This year, his word is GO.  It’s reminding him to be active as he wants to lose weight.  He also hope to GO to Kenya in May.  I’m pretty sure this weekend, he’ll be cheering GO Panthers!

What’s your story?

This year at www.mattham.com we will be sharing awesome stories and we’d love for you to be a part of it.

While you’re here, browse around.  If you like what you see, enter your email address to become a member of the community.  You won’t be bombarded with emails or asked to buy anything.  You’ll simply get my weekly updates and as a gift to you, I will give you my free e-book (in editing now).

Let’s make this a year to remember!


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