The RICH Principles

A quick glance at popular culture reveals that money and wealth and success have become the underpinning of a life well-lived. We’re taught to go to college so we can get a good job. From there, we’re supposed to climb the ladder so we can make more money. Then, we’re supposed to save our money and invest wisely so we can retire comfortably. But don’t we all know someone who is financially stable but personally and emotionally crumbling?

Rich Principles

The RICH Principles from Redefine Rich (Matt Ham – Copyright 2014)

We know that wealth isn’t limited to financial abundance, but why don’t we live that way?

Perhaps it’s because we don’t know how to define it.

In the Summer of 2013, as I pored over my own discontentment and frustration with life in the hamster wheel, I was reminded of a powerful story from my past. In that process, I discovered four common principles that created a context around what it means to be rich.

As I began writing about these principles, I began receiving invitations to speak to people and teach them how to unpack and discover them in their own lives. For more than three years, I have walked countless people through the RICH Principles as a way to create a context for living well.

Whether in the corporate arena or helping someone develop a deeper spiritual journey, the RICH Principles can help.

Being rich isn’t about what you have or what you do, it’s who you are. It’s about living a whole life—a life undivided and untethered to someone else’s opinion. Instead of compartmentalizing life into manageable categories and stressing to balance it all, we need to learn how to live whole.

But the real challenge isn’t knowing how to live, the real challenge is actually living that way.

As an husband, father, and entrepreneur, I have had to learn how to live these principles out in the real world—a world full of struggles and circumstances that keep us divided.

If you’re in need of a fresh perspective or someone who can encourage you on your own journey, I can help. Instead of living as a victim to your circumstances, I can help you live above them.

Start Here

The journey to living a rich life begins with a genuine desire. In fact, until the will to change is there, no amount of effort will move you further down the path. But if you’re hungry and ready to begin something truly transformational, something that will impact your life and the legacy you leave in the world, you’re in the right place.

I invite you to join me in taking the RICH Life Challenge—a 7-day guided devotional that will help you pause from the constant noise and start seeing the richness in the every day.

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