Known for its rich history, the Bahamian island of Bimini has been a temporary home to such great influencers as Earnest Hemingway, Jimmy Buffett, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Legends of the Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth still linger in the salty Bahamian breeze as the culture speaks of its past.
It was a mission trip with Young Life to this beautiful island that changed my life.
I now know that this trip was the beginning of the story I am penning today – a story to redefine the word rich.
Although I felt this trip to Bimini was something I needed to do, it took a lot of courage to replace my beloved pastime of baseball to go. I’ve since learned, courage is necessary for change.
We were to fly into Nassau and work two days in an orphanage before embarking on a 20-hour sail that would take us through the Atlantic to the small island. While there, we would lead a Vacation Bible School for five days before returning home.
One of my graduation gifts was a leather-bound journal.
Until that point in my life, I had not kept a journal, unless required to in school. I can see myself opening the gift saying, Gee, thanks! The last thing I wanted to do was write.
I can’t begin to tell you how profound that gift is to me today.
The clarity I receive from this journal, years after it was penned, still speak to me today. As if an 18-year old version of myself is calling to me in my thirties.
I hope it speaks to you.
The Bimini Journal
These are the excerpts and my interpretations.
My skewed view of richness:
It’s amazing to see how these people praise, but have nothing like we do.
I was learning about true richness.
Speaking of my first day at the orphanage in Nassau:
I have to get used to how clingy these children are. I try everyday to open up and love unconditionally. I know that only when I see things through a lens of faith, will I be a better person.
In short, I was broken.
Something was starting to work in me as I opened up to these kids:
I saw how I interacted with these kids today and I just want to be sure that I am the same person back home. I want my family and friends to know I love them because I show them.
I was being taught that richness is about others.
On the transformation in my soul:
I’d like to pray that I humble myself and allow my world to be taken apart and see through Christ’s eyes.
I understood the importance of humility.
Reflecting on the trip:
This trip was probably the best decision I ever made. I can honestly say, this is the most amazing adventure I’ve ever been on.
I began to understand gratitude.
Without my journal, many of these words would be lost in the sea of life as the tides come and go, taking with it great moments. This is my reminder to pay attention, every day.
Thirteen years later, these principles would become those featured in my book You Make My Life Rich.
True richness will pass you by if you settle for someone else’s definition; define it yourself.
I closed my journal entries with this verse from Habakkuk 3:19:
“The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.”
Here’s to redefining richness and treading on the heights…
QUESTIONS: What story will you tell years from now by the decisions your making today? What does being rich mean to you?
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