Your Rich Life

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What do you want most in life? 

Have you ever really given that any thought?

Is it Love? Is it Hope? Purpose? Inspiration? Meaning?

On the surface, the question is rather ominous, but getting there may not be as difficult as you think.

If you’ve been walking with us any length of time, I would hope that you’re beginning to understand that life’s deepest desire is for richness. Call it what you will – purpose, inspiration, hope, awesomeness, greatness, meaning – a rich, abundant life, overflowing with many blessings, is at the core of our being.

And that’s what this is all about for me: championing people toward a life of richness.

I have a vision of sitting in the stands, watching you run life’s race, and I’m cheering for you; this blog and this book my pom-pons. Well, I wouldn’t really have a pom-pon, but maybe a giant poster or one of those fingers holding up the number one sign, spurring you on.

Photo courtesy of Ben Stanfield, Creative Commons

Photo courtesy of Ben Stanfield, Creative Commons

Your Rich Life

Here’s where the rubber meets the road. It’s time for us, as a culture, to stop living in poverty.

You see, it’s great to write about richness; it’s another thing to live it.

It’s one thing to read a book that moves you; it’s another thing to grab a sword and fight for a cause.

But, that’s what revolutions are made of and that’s what its going to take for us to redefine rich.

That’s why I dare you to be rich; to begin taking steps toward your abundant, purposeful life.

The other day, someone commented on a post, “Matt, thank you for this. We need more of you.” As soon as I read it, I immediately disagreed. I was kind in the moment, but I had to address it here.

I promise you, the world doesn’t need more of me. The world needs more of us living in the fullness that we were created for. Other people need you living a rich life because it will move them to live their own. If that doesn’t happen, I feel like my work here will be in vain.

I say this because over the last year, I have seen this message break down walls; I have seen it yield its sword to fight brokenness, darkness, and poverty; claiming purpose, meaning, and richness in the hearts of those who have embraced it. I have heard stories of it shared with those attempting suicide. I have seen it rescue broken marriages. I have seen it bring life.

And I’m confident in this because the message isn’t my own. It’s what I have gleaned from the lives of others, what the Spirit has taught me through the study of Scripture and Truth. It’s the culmination of wisdom from reading book upon book and finding meaning even in the mundane.

The Apostle Paul penned words to the church in Corinth that have become the sentiment of this message, my deepest hope.

“You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11

So, I go back to my question above and ask myself: Matt, what do you want most in life?

When contemplating this, I remembered this favorite quote from Zig Ziglar: “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” I believe Zig was spot-on. So today, I want to extend a helpful hand to you.

I want your life to be enriched.

So, in the spirit of this, I’m announcing The Live Richly Challenge. A chance for you to embrace the richness in your life.

Take the Live Richly Challenge

I look forward to hearing what makes you rich.


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