Tag Archives | Live Richly Challenge

Moments That Redefine Culture

There are moments in our lives that stand alone. As ill-prepared as we might be, they happen anyway. These moments represent a coming-of-age, leaving change in their wake. They are a dividing line between the way things used to be and the way things are now. In these moments, people rally around a cause and culture as we know it is redefined. These moments unite us. Rosa Parks refuses to move from her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus Neil […]

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Your Rich Life

Listen to this episode on the podcast What do you want most in life?  Have you ever really given that any thought? Is it Love? Is it Hope? Purpose? Inspiration? Meaning? On the surface, the question is rather ominous, but getting there may not be as difficult as you think. If you’ve been walking with us any length of time, I would hope that you’re beginning to understand that life’s deepest desire is for richness. Call it what you will […]

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