Dreaming and Building

Next door to my office, they’re building a brand new Dick’s Sporting Goods and Marshall’s megastore. It’s a huge building and a massive construction undertaking.

At any given time, it seems like there are fifty guys on the job and numerous pieces of heavy equipment at work. They are constantly building.

As they lay the concrete blocks, something begins to take shape.

It is coming to life.

Pretty soon, the interior will be filled with merchandise: baseball gear, running apparel, outdoor and camping provisions and people will flood into the store to satisfy their needs exchanging their money for these provisions.

I remember when it was still, just a field. There were no concrete blocks, there were no walls, there was no merchandise. It was a vision in the mind of a dreamer.

An opportunity to build.

Dreaming and Building

Dreaming and Building

These thoughts rushed through my mind this morning as I drove by the construction site. I could only think of one thing…

My book.

It started with an idea. It was a feeling, a calling, a vision.

Speak. Write.

As keystrokes culminated over countless hours, the vision began to take shape. Through my blog and various conversations, I began sharing ideas, longing to learn what true richness looks like.

Energy and excitement began to swell as the response overwhelmed me.

Stories began pouring in that would forever shape my view. People were longing for life, longing to understand a deeper meaning of richness.

Then, the doubts began. “How is this all going to happen? You’re not a writer.”

Roadblocks to the building process.

“You’ve got responsibilities. Family, clients, friends. This is just getting in the way.”

Opinions and distractions led to confusion and tears.

However, as I continued to wake up early, I felt a voice meet me there.

“Trust me. Write.”

So I continued.

This week, I received my book back from my editor.

To begin preparing for a book release completely overwhelms me. But the funny thing is, it’s hard to remember what it all looked like when it was just an idea.

Threads of experiences woven together into a tapestry that has now become this book, “You Make My Life Rich.”

Someone asked me the other day, “What’s been the best part of the process?”

By far it’s the people. The people I’ve been blessed to meet.

The people who have stepped forward with encouragement and blessing of their own personal stories. The people who have come alongside this vision and embraced it:

Gary Weller, Jackson Mwangi, Sarah Fontenot, Greg Sidden

Writers who have gone ahead of me and allowed me to share in their wisdom:

Mike Ashcraft, Tom Morris, Andy Andrews, Jon Acuff

Relationships formed with coaches, editors, publishers, and video designers who have now become friends:

Joel Fortner, Chris LoCurto, Anna Floit, Les Gura, Andy Traub, Mike Daniel

Those people who have taken their time to read. More importantly to share the message with their friends creating energy and excitement. A continued encouragement:


This feels awfully insufficient to explain my level of gratitude for each of you.

Lastly, the love and support from my wife and family – always encouraging me to continue – when I was ready to quit. A resounding, “I believe in you,” gave me confidence to continue.

In a few short months, I will be ready to share this book in its full form with you.

In the meantime, I invite you to continue to be a part of this journey. Part of this building process. I will ask you for help with ideas on the cover’s design and allow you the opportunity to read pre-release copies. I hope you will.

If you want to be updated on the release of You Make My Life Rich, please make sure you're part of our mailing list. I won't bombard you with emails and your email will always be respected and protected. You can join by clicking here.

Earlier this week, I was met with a verse from Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth that radiated my hope for this book and this message. It gave me a glimpse of us all living richly and our richness radiating into the lives of others. It is my prayer that you would let this rest as a seed of truth in your heart.

“You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” 2 Corinthians 9:11

Somewhere within this beautiful process the Gospel has come to life in a new light and I have recognized a deeper relationship with God.

A familiar voice that has been there all along.

Speak. Write.


Questions: Where are your dreams leading you? What are you building? New job? Life change? How can I help?

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