Awake My Soul

The words “Awake my soul” were originally penned by a young man named David. Although they sound encouraging, they came from a most desolate place. David had been anointed the future king, given the promise of leading a people. But the current king was power-hungry and refused to surrender his throne.

A young man in his twenties, David was on the run, fearing for his life. His only solitude was a small, secluded cave where he could hide from his enemies.

It is in that cave where David proclaimed these words:

“Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge…
I cry out to God Most High He sends from heaven and saves me…
My heart is steadfast, I will sing
Awake, my soul!” – Psalm 57

What Wakes Your Soul?

Caves are no place to live, yet I find that many of us take shelter in them from time to time.

Fear is deceptive and it tells us to hide. Just like our brother Adam in the garden, we run from God.

We invest in things, hoping an awakened soul would be the outcome. In short, we are all seeking some form of richness. Yet, all too often, this pursuit leads us back into our proverbial cave. Seemingly, the awakened soul eludes us.

Until now.

In my book, Redefine Rich, we take a journey of uncovering true riches. And, in the process, we find an awakened soul.

Maybe you’ve been searching, but is it possible that you need a fresh perspective?

Join the thousands of readers who are breaking free from their proverbial caves and uncovering a new perspective on the Good Life.

Take a look at the Amazon reviews and see for yourself.

Maybe it’s time to redefine rich in your life.


For more on an awakened soul, check out my book, Redefine Rich

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5 Responses to Awake My Soul

  1. Marie Bryant November 9, 2013 at 9:00 am #

    Thank the Lord for your testimony, Matt!

    Yes, the Lord awakens my soul. What a wonderful thing to remember as I get up each morning. And what better way to praise Him than through song.

    Since the day he was born, I have sung to Berk, especially Jesus Loves Me and You are my Sunshine. One night in August, I was rocking him and singing to him and he started singing with me. He knew every word, and at two years old, that amazed me. My heart was awakened so surprisingly by this that all I could do was cry tears of joy and thankfulness for this sweet little boy the Lord has brought into my life.

    There are so many ways to be awakened by Him. We just need to listen more carefully.

    • Matt Ham November 9, 2013 at 10:00 am #

      What a wonderful gift you are giving Berk and what a wonderful gift you are receiving in return.


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