Tag Archives | Living Richly

A Letter to my Son, Matthew: Part 2

Read: A Letter to Matthew: Part 1 Our struggle to conceive was certainly a reminder that you were a gift from Him. Even before you were born, He knew this would be your name. Matthew means gift of God. “Meme” chose it for her son for a reason, her reason. Your mom and I chose it for our own. Some will call it southern and others may call it traditional. For us, there was no other name: Matthew Derrick Ham, Jr. […]

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Your Story Matters

I once had coffee with a lady who told me that she struggled to believe that her story mattered. In the busy pace of raising kids and trying to be a good Christian, she had been beaten down by the lie that none of it mattered. And the truth is, I’ve had that conversation way too many times. Not only with countless people over coffee, but with myself. But what I’m learning more than anything else is that someone else’s hope rests […]

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The Last Blog Post: A Story You Don’t Want to Miss

As I sat down to write this morning, I realized this would be the last day that my blog would be seen in its original format. Tomorrow, I will be relaunching www.mattham.com. With that thought, I wanted to write a quick farewell post. A ‘thank you’ to my readers as we prepared for a new chapter to begin. As I sat here thinking of how to encapsulate my feelings with grand words of gratitude, I started hearing my twins laughing […]

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If You Knew You Were Going to Die Tomorrow

As the sun disappeared into the vast horizon, the night sky began to illuminate with countless stars, more than I could have possibly imagined. It left me in complete wonder. The gentle sway of the boat coupled with the warm salt breeze put my mind at ease. With each breath, my anxieties faded into the darkness of the night sea. The struggles of the week and the realities waiting back home were out of sight. All I could see were the […]

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What I learned from Jay-Z, Taylor Swift, and Jesus–Shaking Off the Dust

I’m a firm believer that wisdom is everywhere, waiting for us to find it–even among pop culture. It just takes perspective. For example, Jay-Z has taught me that I should get that dirt off my shoulder. Similarly, Taylor Swift encourages me to shake it off. Life has and will hand us countless situations that throw proverbial dirt all over us. Every single day there are situations and circumstances that threaten to dirty up any attempt at cleanliness. Too often we become shackled […]

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Rethinking December

What does December represent for you? Stress. Anxiety. Busyness. Worry. Regret… Hope. Anticipation. Celebration. Generosity. Joy… As much as I’d like to admit that my list resembles the second list, there’s a little of both around our house. December provides a unique time for reflection, looking back on another year past. We revisit both tragedy and triumph, victory and defeat as we reminisce all that was. Additionally, we anticipate all that awaits. A new year promises new opportunities and new beginnings. However, as we ebb […]

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A Simple Practice to be Courageous

There’s rarely a time when I’m short on words. As a kid, I talked to everyone, from strangers in stores to the crosswalk guard. As a teenager, I talked to everyone, from umpires to ESPN camera crews. Which, I will add,  featured me on an ESPN special about fans and nearly won me a new Toyota Tacoma. But, I digress. What I’m saying is that I’ve been given the gift of gab. I’m not making assumptions or tooting my horn, I’ve just […]

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