Archive | Spiritual

This is a Spiritual Problem | A Call to Awaken Faith in our Cities

In the wake of events like those that recently took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, we are forced to wrestle with the darkest parts of the human condition—a darkness that isn’t only seen in the events themselves, but in the pain and backlash which follow. These moments peel back the veneer of progress and expose the deep wounds that have yet to heal. Looking at the division and hatred that still exists in the United States, is like looking underneath the […]

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Overcoming Anxiety

Anxiety is one of those taboo things that we all experience in some form, but are rarely willing to talk about. The conversation surrounding such an issue is much bigger than I can address within this post. There are many reasons not to share something so personal, but I’m choosing to overlook those reasons because I believe that vulnerability has the power to break things open. What I’m about to share,  I share for two reasons. One, because I know […]

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Baptism, The Goodness of God, and Our Need For Revival

I first felt a call to be baptized about two years ago, but I quickly brushed it off for a number of logical reasons. But God doesn’t work by logic. In fact, faith, by definition, isn’t logical. For two years, the idea of baptism burned in my heart while I wrestled with the logic in my head. Every time I saw the word or happened to watch someone else be baptized, I couldn’t deny that’s what God was calling me […]

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The Abundance of God

For the past six months, I have encountered the number 66 on almost a daily basis. Initially, I was scared that it meant something terrible was going to happen to me or to my family because the number 666 is associated with evil. But I calmed my initial fears, stopped living in my head, and began paying attention. Without fail, the number continued to reveal itself in my life. My cell phone battery would continually stay at 66 percent. The […]

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A Mom of Four and Her Road to Recovery

My wife, Liz, is an amazing mom to our four children. We’ve walked through a challenging season with her health that has proven to be both humbling and empowering. As you read her story, we hope it will be both humbling and empowering for you as well. In the fall of 2011, I gave birth to identical twins boys. Despite being born six-weeks early, each weighed six pounds. I knew that pregnancy had done a number on my body, but […]

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Dear Bernie Sanders, I Am a Christian

I try to avoid politics whenever possible. The political arena has become so emotionally charged and off-putting that I’d rather remove myself than be buried in the constant stream of negativity and noise. But there are moments when I cannot and will not remain silent. This is one of those moments. Yesterday, an exchange occurred between Bernie Sanders and Russell Vought during a confirmation hearing that alarmed me. During this exchange, Senator Sanders referenced Mr. Vought’s comments regarding his Christian faith and his position on salvation. […]

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10 Money Tips that Cost Me $100,000 and a Few Thoughts on Being Rich

What most people fail to tell you about money is that it’s suffocating. The weight of financial pressure robs you of the very breath in your lungs. I remember the feeling of laying in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, playing out the events in my mind as it became more and more difficult to breathe. “What if” was a familiar foe that sang me to sleep with its lullaby of foreclosure and shame. I hated those nights. But for nearly […]

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