Archive | Faith

Fruit Doesn’t Grow in the Microwave

With the simple tap of a finger, we have immediate access to a endless stream of information. One of the benefits of accessibility is that it reduces time. Visiting family across the country used to mean a lengthy road trip. With air travel, that was reduced to hours. Now, with the onset of digital technology, we can talk face-to-face in an instant. The progress of consumer-driven culture has countless benefits as it relates to business and communication, but I’m afraid […]

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Life in the Desert

A twenty-something friend reached out to me recently, just to talk. He had abandoned the idea of God in his late teen years after religious culture and hell-fire-and-brimstone left a bitter taste in his mouth. I can’t say I blame him for spitting it out. Now, after ten years of tasting all that life has to offer, he is weary—thirsty for something that life isn’t providing. Sure, he’s successful, and he’s a great guy. But he’s sinking. He’s in the midst of some […]

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I am a Pastor

A man once approached me after a speaking engagement and asked, “So how long have you been a pastor?” “Oh, I’m not a pastor,” I quickly replied. I even threw in a chuckle as an attempt to further dismiss the absurdity of his suggestion. “You’re not?” He paused and tilted his head ever-so-slightly, locking his eyes with mine. “No, I’m not.” I repeated assertively. “Well,” he said with a smile, “keep listening.” That conversation has replayed in my mind like a broken […]

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As I watched a friend bury their father…

Today, I watched a dear family friend bury their father. As I stood at the graveside, listening to the minister’s words of consolation, I paused for a moment to take in my surroundings. The wind rustled the trees that were as weathered as the tombstones that littered the landscape. Thick clouds methodically danced across the sky hinting of a much-needed rain. I swayed ever so slightly, keeping in rhythm with the melody of the clouds and the breeze. In that moment, although I […]

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The Power of a RICH Life

The word rich is a cornerstone word in American culture. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are in our blood. But somewhere along the way, our pursuits have become tarnished with a narrow view of wealth. We have learned to believe that being rich only has to do with money. Here’s a news flash: big houses, fancy cars, and extravagant tastes don’t make you rich. Some of the poorest people in the world are those whose bank accounts are full, but their hearts are empty. I was […]

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America Needs More CEOs Like This Guy

The Story of the Anti-CEO There was once a CEO of a thriving, 100 million-dollar business. What began as a dream in a garage had grown into a national organization with more than a thousand employees. According to every economic, social, and professional metric, the CEO and the company were successful. As the business grew, the CEO found out that one of his employees had a daughter who was battling cancer. Upon learning the devastating news, he insisted that his […]

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“Pray for your Daughter”

Six years ago, my wife and I were weary from a two-year battle with infertility. A battle that left us resting on our own strength to start a family. A battle we were losing. The Enemy was ever-present, firing a barrage of attacks in an attempt to destroy our marriage. We were sinking and we were afraid. The world told us to give up. Like a boxer, battered from round upon round of relentless beatings, we contemplated throwing in the towel […]

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