Being Rich is Being Fully Poured Out: Ronne Rock

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Please welcome Ronne Rock to the Live Richly Spotlight. Ronne is a phenomenal writer and storyteller. She had a successful career in the corporate world before realizing that her identity was misplaced. It was a layoff in 2008 that sent her questioning, “What have I become?”

The lies of too little and not enough plagued her mind. It was during that time when she began to realize who she was.

She’s learning to rest in her identity in Christ rather than create her own.

Ronne tell us what you love.

“There is nothing like watching the child you parent, be a parent. I love watching my son be a dad.

I also love the kitchen. I grew up in a troubled household, but the kitchen was always a safe place, that is the place where we would go. There’s something amazing and vulnerable that happens when you join around the table in the kitchen.

If my Savior can spend time around the table with people, so can I.”

Ronne loving others

Ronne loving others

Ronne, people’s greatest passion is born out of their greatest pain. Would you agree?

“I was raised in a pretty broken home, a pretty broken life. On the outside, it looked pretty, but inside, there was verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse. So I grew up with a mindset that something about me wasn’t quite…I wasn’t quite as good or as pretty. It wasn’t until my thirties that I saw my life differently. My past wasn’t something to run from, maybe there was something purpose here. Just a couple of weeks ago, I got a tattoo that says Felix Culpa which means ‘Fortunate Fall’. My experiences have molded me into who I am.

I believe that God is sovereign enough to take my life and redeem it to His glory. Because of that, my ministry on this earth will have value and substance for this generation and generations to come.

I know now that this is what drives me to tell stories. I believe I’m a narrator of life.”

As a consumer of her words, I would tell everyone to pay attention to what you write – visit Ronne’s blog here

Ronne, tell us about your passion for the discarded.

“A fire was kindled in me during 2008 for the discarded–orphans. The numbers are staggering, upwards of 170 million kids. I wanted to provide a safe place for them specifically to tell them that their lives were as valuable as any kid anywhere. Since then that passion has grown for the discarded everywhere.

Now, I write stories to encourage others to invest their lives into the life of someone else. “

How do you cultivate these passions and desires from gratitude?

“It begins, for me, with personal time with God. If you look at my twitter bio, it says Christ is life in my veins. If I don’t invest time vertically, I will never be effective horizontally. I’ve got friends that can spot when I’m not spending time with the Lord. It’s literal now. In Romans 12 it tells us to transform our minds, to give us a new perspective.

Secondly, I surround myself with a community that I can be vulnerable with. It strengthens my heart.

Lastly, it is practicing gratitude. It is looking at a situation and saying, ‘Even in the day when I don’t fully trust you, even today, I can still come before you.'”

Ronne with Alice in Nairobi

Ronne with Alice in Nairobi

How do humility and confidence dance in your own life?

“Upside down pride is not humility. When I humble myself correctly, I let you go first. I might have to choose that five hundred times, but I’m choosing it. Something that looks like receiving gifts as well. It creates a confident peace that His plans are right and His presence is a gift.”

Ronne as we close, what does being rich mean to you?

“It’s to be fully alive, to embrace the days we’re given, to not let moments go by, and to not hoard, but to share those with others. Richness to me is to be fully poured out at the end of the day.

Keep your eyes open for moments. Wake up expectant.”

Visit Ronne’s Blog, now!


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