Ready, Aim… [Podcast]

A new episode of Redefine Rich

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My encouragement for you today: Don’t fall in the trap of being who someone else wants you to be.

“What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?” Luke 9:25

We all hear the analogy Ready, Aim, Fire. Too often, my life has been Ready, Fire, Aim. Now, I’m learning that the Aim is incredibly important and that’s what this show, this message, is about; helping you aim.

What carrots are you chasing? Are they your own? Think about defining what it is you’re seeking to give yourself clear aim.

I share a story from this weekend’s NC State game and a friend who recently tried to qualify for the Boston Marathon but came up short.

Today’s quote: “It’s how you handle loses that truly makes you a winner.”

Thanks for all of your feedback and encouragement, here’s some of your awesome reviews on iTunes. Keep it up!



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