My New Podcast: Redefine Rich

My wife and I both believe in a healthy lifestyle – granted we love a good burger or a Chic-fil-A sandwich every now and again – but, outside of the occasional treat, we try to cook at home. And, when we can, we prefer natural and organic ingredients.

A couple of months ago, Liz made the mistake of telling our inquisitive and outgoing three-year old, MJ, that he couldn’t have a certain snack because it contained artificial ingredients. Somehow I knew that was going to come back to haunt us.

Just last week, MJ turned four. Apparently this was a milestone birthday for our son that we were unaware of. A few days after his birthday, around nap time, it was obvious that he didn’t plan on going to sleep. In mom fashion, Liz stepped in to be the parent, insisting that MJ take a nap.

MJ furiously responded, “Mom, why don’t you ever let me do what I want to do? I’m four years old now, I don’t have to nap and I can eat artificial if I want to.”

My New Podcast: Redefine Rich

Today marks one year of this blog and what better way to celebrate than launching my brand new podcast: Redefine Rich.

On the show, I can promise you one thing: much to the chagrin of my four-year old, there will be nothing artificial. We will take an authentic look at what it means to be rich and I have some great guests lined up for you.

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Click on the link or image below to view in iTunes
2. Under the show picture, click subscribe which will place all episodes in your iTunes Library
3. Click on the Ratings tab and leave us a message
**If you use an Apple device, use the Podcast App and search Matt Ham then subscribe.


Redefine Rich with Matt Ham

Redefine Rich with Matt Ham

Redefine Rich with Matt Ham

You can also listen at Buzzsprout by clicking here.


Episode 1: An Introduction to Richness

On this episode, I introduce the podcast and give an overview of the challenge to Redefine Rich.

Chances are, your life is busy and hectic. In the midst of the noise, this podcast promises to bring you encouragement and hope that there something more to richness than financial wealth and well-being.

Our culture tells us that being rich has everything to do with how much money you have or how much stuff you own. However, with this mindset, someone is always richer and this unfulfilling pursuit will leave you empty.

I know because as a husband, father, and small business owner, I had come completely burnout in chasing that definition.

As I began to reflect, I saw that richness was far more diverse that what I understood it to be. After a conversation with author and friend, Tom Morris, I began writing. The catalyst for my journey came while reflecting on a moment surrounding the death of my Aunt Trish.

The night before she died, I overheard a nurse tell her, “You make my life rich.”

At that moment, the journey to redefine rich began.

On next week’s episode, we’ll talk about the four RICH principles.

Until then, answer this question in the show notes:

What does it mean to you to be rich?




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