So there was this one time that I decided to cover a ridiculously awesome acoustic version of Kenny Loggins’ Footloose at an open mic in a smoke-filled biker bar…
(Dramatic pause)
Jeff Goins was gracious enough to allow me to tell the full story on his site. More importantly, what that experience has taught me as a writer. What a huge privilege to share at as Jeff is a well-known and respected author, blogger, creative consultant, and speaker.
I’d really appreciate it if you guys went to his site to check it out (link below). Leave a comment over there and let me know what you think. The Live Richly Community is awesome like that!
Kick Off Your Sunday Shoes: Cutting Your Art Loose
Good to “meet” you, Sir. Glad to come here to visit from Mr. Jeff Goins’ blog. All the best on your blogging and art-sharing exploits.
Arlen, likewise! What art are you in the business of creating?
Thanks for the question, Mr. Matt. I am doing print and web design and writing for day work. Moving in the direction of more writing, content creating, storytelling.
Blessings on your personal ministry.
Enjoyed your post over at Jeff Goins, so I commented there and stopped by here. Your content is similar to some of mine at Love your tagline, Live Richly. You’d probably enjoy, if you haven’t already. They share a similar message. Looks like I found another blog to follow! Thanks.
John – thanks so much for connecting and I appreciate the links! I’ll check them out! Appreciate you stopping by –
Great post! I am just learning to write. I tried a couple different types of blog posts at first. The story of my life it seems to be the one that most people want to hear about. I have decided to continue with that story before I try anything else. I’m a throw an additional one every once in awhile just to keep up the skill of writing other types of material.
David – people love authenticity, it’s what they connect with. And, your story is AMAZING!