I don’t have it all figured out, but I am searching as I continue my journey.
I especially DO NOT want to preach. But I do know this…
I’m tired of adjusting the truth…
I want to be wise…
“When the truth presents itself, the wise person sees the light, takes it in, and makes adjustments. The fool tries to adjust the truth so he does not have to adjust to it.” – Dr. Henry Cloud
This isn’t a sermon to be preached. It is a product of my search for wisdom. I needed to write these truths out to secure certainty in my mind as I continue to walk.
I’m putting it on the table for you to see.
What I’m Guilty of…
I know I’m guilty of reworking His word to shine light on what I WANT.
This is foolish. I am to see the light and adjust to it, seeing the truth for what it is.
I know I’ve been guilty of thinking the my life is The Story.
No, no, no. My life is simply part of The Story.
I am guilty of looking at God through the eyes that the world has given me.
This makes my vision blurred. Why? Because I’m justifying the Creator off of the created.
The Truth I Continue to Seek
Being a Christian isn’t about a checklist of morality, although I make it seem as such. I constantly look back at the did’s and did not’s trying to justify myself; as if justice were in my hands.
Being a Christian is about pursuing my own soul through the lens of the One who created it, understanding the truths that I find and actively trying to live them out.
I am called to share those truths, not in a judgmental way, for I am not the Creator of them. I share them to simply be a light, pointing to Him, causing others to question.
Hoping others will question.
The Bible tells me so…
There is a real battle for my soul, so I need to fight.
God is incredibly gracious and merciful as I stumble in the darkness. I must remember, His word is ‘a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path’.
I am nothing apart from Him; alive because He lives in me.
I was created in His image and have access to salvation through His great act of love; the crucifixion of His son, Jesus.
Sin is conquered. Jesus received it, died with it and rose without it. I am free.
My future is certain because God has plans for me. He gives me hope.
My desire for control causes me to complicate faith. I make it about doctrines and creeds and religions and people…
I try to out think the Creator when I simply need to be humbled by His presence.
How I humble myself…
I watch the sunrise over the serenity of beautiful Wrightsville Beach.
How can I possibly out think the One that created that?!
I stare at the mountains rising out of the crystal clear water of Lake Tahoe.
That speaks to my soul.
I watch an egg form into a child that is protected in the womb of its mother. How we ALL entered this world.
It can’t be by chance. We were beautifully and wonderfully made.
I don’t share any of this intending to tell you what to believe.
There are certain truths you can choose to believe or not. I want you to search that out in your own heart. I want you to understand that is YOUR responsibility.
Truth requires searching, but be careful. Should you walk off a cliff, you will painfully realize the truth of gravity.
That’s what our journey is about, searching.
A longing for richness.
You get to decide what you will do.
Whatever you choose, I will walk the path with you as best I can.
Because that’s what God called me to do.
What do you think?
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