Liz and I have a collective problem; one that is always entertaining to discuss. For years, friends and family have laughed over countless stories of our so-called condition.
The funniest part is that Liz and I BOTH share this problem. Liz’s only developed more recently; I guess that’s what having three kids within sixteen months does to you. There should have been a warning label:
WARNING – you will go crazy and start talking about nonsense in your sleep.
As for me, I’ve always done it, so I don’t have an excuse.
Last night, I was awakened by Liz, feverishly shaking my shoulder. As I came to consciousness, I heard her say, “I need you to get the light.”
All of the lights are out, what the heck is she talking about?
Then she repeated, “I need you to get the light.”
My first thought flashes to horror movies and burglars which quickly woke me up. By this time, I realize she wasn’t as other mumbled nonsense continues.
Who knows what she was referencing, but here’s what I heard.
What is light?
Whether you are a Christian or not, most people would recognize their internal battle of good and evil. In most cases, one would associate the good with light.
The Bible says that we were all created in the image of God (Gen 1:27).
Matthew 5:16, which comes from Jesus’ infamous Sermon on the Mount, talks about this image as being light.
“Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and praise your Father in heaven.”
This verse has been a beacon for me as I walk through my life and it’s concept is my continual encouragement.
Bring your light – your goodness – into the world.
It is not intended to be hidden, it is intended to influence others!
What about YOUR light?
I believe that there is an essential need for us as humans, a need to be engaged with others. As social beings, all humans have this core need to share their own light.
Doesn’t everyone wants to belong, be loved, share love and engage?
However, circumstance has the potential to drench our light and our desire to engage.
Some have been beaten and bruised from the pain of the past. Some drenched by the pain of the present. The death of a loved one, the confusion of a diagnosis, the loss of a job, a broken relationship have, at some time, poured water over our flame.
In those moments when hope seems lost, I rest in this truth.
As great author and leader, John Maxwell, says:
“Your candle loses nothing when it lights another.”
There are now two lights glowing where there was only one.
Our purpose is not to find our light and shelter it.
Our purpose is to find our light and give it away (tweet that).
- Find your light – dig deep, seek gratitude and wrap yourself in it. Make the choice to find your light
- Feed your flame – engage in things that fuel your internal fire. Grow your light. If a fire runs out of wood, the flame will die.
- Share your light – YOU are a light in the world and people are watching. We are always influencing, the question is how? You either bring light or darkness.
Encourage a friend – Love someone who is hurting – Do a good deed for a complete stranger – Apologize to someone – Tell a co-worker what a great job they’re doing – Buy someone lunch and be happy doing it – BE A LIGHT!
How can you be a light to one person this week? What are some things I missed?
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