Tag Archives | Trust

The Day I Was Told I Had Cancer

Yesterday was one of those days. A day so heavy, I could hardly stomach the reality I was facing. For the past few months, my wife has been asking me to go see a dermatologist to get my skin checked. It seemed like such a waste of time. Besides, it’s something I had already done a few years ago. But despite my hard-headed nature, especially when it comes to doctors, I decided to comply with my wife’s request. My dermatologist happens […]

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You Can’t Rush Trust

Today I have the huge honor of guest posting at www.jmlalonde.com Joe Lalonde has one of the top 50 most visited Leadership blogs on the web and over the past few months, I’ve had the opportunity to learn from him. When I began thinking about a topic, I was reminded of a story. During the largest sale of my career, I learned a huge lesson about trust… See my guest post – You Can’t Rush Trust MH If you didn’t […]

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What Makes You Rich?

Have you ever wished for a ME translation of the Bible, a convenient, made-for-you version containing footnotes for your life? There’s a peculiar passage found in three of the four gospel accounts which I find particularly puzzling. It’s the kind of passage that, when I read it, I begin squirming in my chair. I feel the uneasiness of the words as I sit in the comfort of my home, sip my Starbucks-roasted blend, tap the keys of my MacBook Air, and answer Facebook comments on my state-of-the-art […]

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What My Dad and Baseball Taught Me About Writing

Night has fallen and bright lights illuminate the field before me. Beyond them, the dark of night. The stands are filled with family, friends and fans cheering the two crosstown rivals facing off in the season finale. I stand in the on-deck circle as the importance of the upcoming inning flashes through my head. It’s the bottom of the last inning and we’re trailing by one run. This is our last chance. We need two runs or game over. Standing […]

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When a Lion Breathes on Your Neck

As we slowly walked toward the den of lions their deep roar rattled within my bones, sending a chill throughout my entire body. How could we possibly throw this man in with those ferocious beasts? I knew he felt the chill and heard the roar as well. Even so, I heard him utter under his breath: “O God of my fathers; praise be your name forever and ever. Wisdom and power are yours and you give it to the wise […]

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From Peter’s Perspective | A Fresh Approach to God’s Word

“I wonder where Jesus is?” The thought crossed my mind as I tried to hold the oar steady against the beating waves. It was unusually rough on the Sea of Galilee and we were working just to stay afloat. Then again, my mind felt a lot like the sea—in turmoil. Our brother, John the Baptist, was just beheaded and it caused all of us to become concerned. Will our fate be the same as his? As I wrestled these questions, […]

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What a 3am Grocery Store Run Taught Me About Relationships

I woke up unusually early this morning; around 2:30am. I was tired of wrestling with the thoughts in my head, so I jumped out of bed to wrestle them on paper. But first, I went to my TRUSTY early morning companion; the Cuisinart. Coffee, check. Sugar, check (don’t judge me). Milk, empty. To prove how much I dislike black coffee, I braved the bitterly cold temps to run to the grocery store.  As I was checking out, a young girl […]

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