The word rich is a cornerstone word in American culture. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are in our blood. But somewhere along the way, our pursuits have become tarnished with a narrow view of wealth. We have learned to believe that being rich only has to do with money. Here’s a news flash: big houses, fancy cars, and extravagant tastes don’t make you rich. Some of the poorest people in the world are those whose bank accounts are full, but their hearts are empty. I was […]
Tag Archives | Richness
You’re Too Busy To Read This
I know you only have two minutes, so I’ll be brief. In fact, don’t even bother reading any further. But please stop using your busyness as an excuse. I’m afraid that busyness has become a crutch for a leg that really isn’t broken. In fact, busyness is the very thing that is ruining our lives. Busy is Robbing You Blind I have come to loathe the word busy with every ounce of my being. Yet in every relationship, that word seems to dominate […]
Are You A Thief?
“The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy.” When I was in college, someone forced their way into my car and stole my entire CD collection. Every. Single. One. Each CD embodied more than a plastic exterior or the songs it contained. In an odd way, those discs were a collection of memories that represented the innocence of a teenage boy growing into adulthood. A few years later, another someone broke into my car and stole two guitars and a computer. One of […]
Have You Ever Watched the Sunrise From the Top of a Volcano?
It’s 2 a.m. in Maui, Hawaii. My wife and I are sluggishly waiting for the bus to pick us up outside of our hotel as we rub the sleep from our eyes. “Remind me who’s idea this was?” Even if my mumble was audible, I don’t expect Liz to answer. I know she’s half asleep too. As the bus pulls up, we step on and join a group of twenty other sleepy-eyed passengers. Our destination is the top of a volcano; […]
The Permission to Press Pause
Over the weekend, my son’s disobedience prompted the internal thought, life was so much easier before we had kids. It sounded like the volume of my son’s screams were directly tied to volume of this internal notion, and both were shouting. His actions certainly justified my thoughts. To think, he was throwing such a fit over the fact that his car seat didn’t allow enough leg room for him to stretch his feet out. How childish. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, […]
What My Mom Taught Me About Being Rich
For those of you who have children, what do you remember about bringing them home from the hospital? For some, the memories are fresh. Others are in the middle of the journey now. Yet for some, it is a cherished moment you hate to admit was long ago–although you remember it better than you remember yesterday. The emotions are raw and new. The sleep is limited, at best, but your heart is full. Days seem like weeks, and weeks seem […]
Building Your Home
A lot of people tell me that the Bible isn’t applicable today, that somehow these words have survived thousands of years, yet remain ineffective. Today, I want to give you a glimpse into how the words have drastically impacted my world recently. One habit I have begun is reading a chapter from Proverbs each morning. As I rise early to greet the blessing of a new day, I long for the wisdom penned generations ago. The timelessness and truth of […]