Tag Archives | Principles

The Best Leadership Advice for Every Leader

Leadership is a buzzword that is often coupled with catchy phrases and trendy ideas. But in a sea of experts, our culture seems to be drowning. Am I being too harsh? Maybe so. There are some great leaders, but take a minute and answer this question: Who are the great leaders of our time? Popular culture dominates so much of the mainstream today that it’s often mistaken for leadership. That’s a dangerous correlation to make because some of the greatest leaders […]

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The RICH Principles [Podcast]

Episode 2: The Four RICH Principles *Subscribe via iTunes by clicking the link above* So, what does it mean to redefine rich? As I poured over the words the nurse said to my Aunt Trish, “You make my life rich,” I felt called to define that statement and that word: rich. Can we classify a rich life? I believe so. In this episode, I tell the story of how the four principles of richness came to life. Growing up as a […]

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