Tag Archives | America

‘Merica | We’re Better Than This

For a country that was founded on the notion of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we’ve done well. In fact, America has become so free and prosperous that we’ve even removed the “A”. We’re now know as ‘Merica—a reality television version of ourselves with schizophrenia. Some days, we see the resolve of the human spirit unite under the concept of faith, hope and love—like the response to Hurricane Florence. But other days, we digress to into fear, division and […]

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Leadership Anemia | The Condition that is Quietly Killing America

During last year’s Presidential primary debates, I remember having the thought, “Is this really the best we can do? Of all the leaders in our country, this is who we have to choose from?” From that point on, I launched a personal expedition to find the leaders in our culture. And not just those in the national spotlight, but those on a local level as well. After eighteen months of searching, I have come to the conclusion that America is suffering […]

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God Isn’t American

Two hundred and forty years ago ink collided with paper to create one of the most important documents in the history of our world. On July 4, 1776, fifty-six men signed the Declaration of Independence, a proclamation of freedom from British oppression and an announcement of birth for the United States of America. When these men came together to establish our great country, they included a short, simple phrase which is the foundation for their entire argument. It is one of the best-known sentences in the English […]

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America, Lay Down Your Stones

Some mornings, I sit on my front porch and listen to the birds. In the stillness, I find companionship with my coffee and God’s word. Despite the feverish pace of the world, these moments provide solitude. My spirit and soul are nourished. Then, at some point, I grab my phone and scroll through my social media feeds. Peace begins to dissipate. The birds’ chorus fades into a bitter backlash of human emotion as friends, acquaintances and complete strangers destroy each other […]

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Prodigal Me

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most recognized Biblical narratives and has been used for centuries to encourage wayward children to return to their Father. It’s easy to glaze over and take a “Yeah, I’ve heard that” attitude until you become the Prodigal. When you truly realize your insufficiency and see your separation from the blessing of Home, when you can taste the pig slop on your lips and feel the humiliation of brokenness, then the […]

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To the Churches in America

“I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—which is really no gospel at all.” Galatians 1:3-6 Those are strong words written 2,000 years ago by the Apostle Paul to the church he established in Galatia. However, I feel like they have a very applicable tone as we navigate the waters of the church in America today. In many ways, American Christians have turned or […]

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