Life is hard. There’s no denying that. As a result, we try to control our circumstances to avoid the “hard”— like if we eat right or get on a budget, then it will all be rainbows and unicorns. By sheer willpower and effectiveness we try to push through our struggles with a fix-it-myself attitude. But curiously, that mentality isolates us. Before we know it, we’re alone, buried by our circumstances. Rather than relying on efficient practices and willpower, is there another way? As a […]
Archive | Business
Lessons From Dad’s Hospital Bedside
My dad was recently hospitalized with atrial fibrillation, an erratic heartbeat that can lead to a number of health problems. On top of that, he was suffering from vertigo and ringing in his ears that caused constant nausea. It was a debilitating combination that raised concerns about cardiac arrest and stroke. I’ve never seen my dad in such a weakened state. For a man whose strength and consistency has been a staple in my life, it caused me to pause and consider […]
10 Money Tips that Cost Me $100,000 and a Few Thoughts on Being Rich
What most people fail to tell you about money is that it’s suffocating. The weight of financial pressure robs you of the very breath in your lungs. I remember the feeling of laying in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, playing out the events in my mind as it became more and more difficult to breathe. “What if” was a familiar foe that sang me to sleep with its lullaby of foreclosure and shame. I hated those nights. But for nearly […]
The Cost of Success, Embracing Your Day Job, and Living Your Dreams
When I was fifteen years old, I moved into the room over the garage at my parent’s house. With my own bathroom and personal space, I felt like a king. I was ready for high school, independence, and life on my own. Ten years later, my wife and I moved back into that same room. I was a broke salesman. The real estate bubble had burst and left me holding the bag. To add insult to my already injured ego, […]
Faith and Business: How Do We Bridge the Gap?
As an eighteen-year-old high school student, I was given the task of completing a senior project. It seemed like an insurmountable goal to culminate thirteen years of education and my personal ideals into a thesis paper, related product, and oral presentation. I titled my project “Faith in Business”, an attempt to highlight the idea that these concepts were not oil and water. Contrary to popular belief, faith and business were not only intertwined, they were mutually beneficial. Those who judged my efforts introduced common criticisms, making it clear that America had […]
Christianity, Millennials, and Business
I stand on the fence of the generation gap between Generation X and Generation Y—commonly referred to as The Millennials. Interestingly enough, that gives me a unique perspective to see both sides of the cultural issues that each generation faces. I recently sat down to lunch with a younger millennial. I originally met this young man through a church mentoring program a few years ago. From day one, I’ve known that he was destined for great things. My intuition wasn’t […]
You Don’t Need Mark Zuckerberg’s Money to Make 2016 Your Best Year Ever
A clever hoax, supposedly validated by Good Morning America, circulated on Facebook recently: Mark Zuckerberg, the thirty-one-year old billionaire founder of the social media giant was giving away a reported $45 billion dollars to users who copied and pasted a status sharing the news. Hundreds of thousands flocked to see if it was true. It wasn’t. But humor me (and yourself) for a minute. Suppose it was true. Suppose you were the beneficiary of a million-dollar windfall. How would your life […]