The Greatest Coach

Today I have the extreme honor to guest post for Chris LoCurto.

When I began talking with Chris about guest posting on the topic of coaching, I couldn’t help but think about the greatest coach I ever played for, my father.

I would really appreciate you checking out the post – it’s honestly one of my personal favorites.

About Chris LoCurto:


Formerly one of Dave Ramsey’s key leaders over 12 years, Chris served as the Vice President of Live Events. He oversaw The Total Money Makeover LIVE!, a concert-like show on personal finances, helped it grow in attendance from 1,600 to 11,000 per event. His team of event coordinators, marketers, and sales staff more than tripled during that time.

Chris has now taken over 12 years of experience and is working with entrepreneurs and businesses one-on-one to help them grow in all areas though Business CoachingStrategic Planning and LifePlan events. He also hosts a weekly business podcast (available on iTunes,Stitcher Radio and SoundCloud) and teaches video lessons on a wide range of business topics at CLo.TV.

Click here to see my guest post at


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