Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Redefine Rich just cracked into the top New and Noteworthy on iTunes. This has only been possible because you have listened, shared, and left reviews. Please keep it up – we have a few more weeks to be listed on iTunes in this way.
Last week, I gave away five $25 iTunes gift cards for those who left a review.
Congrats to April Best, Larry Carter, Claire McLean, Gabe Alvarado, and Lily Kreitinger
(shoot me an email at [email protected] with your mailing address)
This week, I’m giving away another five iTunes gift cards.
Click here to see how you can leave a review.
Listening for Perspective
We are constantly surrounded by noise. Even this post and podcast are part of that noise. However, I believe we can train ourselves to hear differently and we desperately need to.
Jesus constantly used these words: “He who has ears, let him hear.”
Of course everyone he was speaking to had ears, so I think he was suggesting that there is a deeper level of listening that we can attain. We can hear with spiritual ears.
Let me share a story.
A few weeks ago, my Mom and I were taking when she reminded me that my Aunt Trish made my first bowtie. At the time, my Aunt was just making me a bowtie, but now, it means so much more.
Check out my post on Bowtie Friday.
To see it all tie together now is incredibly humbling and purposeful.
What about you?
What parts of your story are connected?
I believe you can learn to listen for a deeper perspective. This deeper perspective teaches you many things including gratitude, contentment, and confidence.
Yesterday, Tom Morris, shared with us that it’s those internal factors that are much more of a driving force to true life.
“No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it.
Those who seek find. To those who knock it is opened.”
– C.S. Lewis
QUESTION: How can you begin mining for the gold that lies beneath the surface?
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